Соревнования 2018 ·
Соревнования 2019 ·
Популярные события текущего месяца - 2.2025 г.
23:56 MADWAVE Challenge Estonia Open | |
![]() DATEand LOCATION:14.02.2016,Aura Water Centre, Turu 10, Tartu 51014 ENTRIES:deadline07.02.2016 23:59, entries can be sent on correctly completed given registration form to email: voistlused(3)tuk.ee Late entries at 8 € per start can be sent until 10.02.2016 23:59, entries sent after 10.02.2016 are not accepted CANCELENTRIES:cancellationdeadline 12.02.2016, PM 11:59 ΙΝFΟRΜΑΤSΙΟΟΝ:JannoJürgenson: +372 5206211 (est, eng) Mihhail Krupnin: +372 53321533(rus) krupnin@gmail.com FΙΝΑΝΟΣΙΑLCΟΝΙΟΙΤΙΟΝS:entryfee is 6 € per start. The invoices per Estonian team will be issued at the end of the competition. Foreign teams are required to pay the entry fee in cash at the venue AWARDING:everyevent in every category will be awarded as following: |-|ll place with cups. The best of all competition, according to FINA points, in every category will be awarded with monetary ΑCCΟΜΜΟDΑΤΙΟΝ:accommodationcan be booked at: Hotel Dorpat, Tel: +372 733 71 80, www.dorpat.ee AGECATEGORIES: C1– girls year of birth 2003 and younger C2— boys year of birth 2002 and younger Y1– girls year of birth 2001-2002 Y2– boys year of birth 2000–2001 A1– Women ABS A2– men ABS Файл - приглашение ( на английском языке) На эстонском языке | |
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